Monday, December 8, 2014

Manifesting more money and other things of that nature...

Back in 2008 to 2009 time I worked at a health food store where I sold supplements and body care.  At this same time I was heavily into reading books by Esther and Jerry Hicks,, authors of the book, Ask and It Is Given.  
One day as I was working I decided to call a friend. She told me that Esther and Jerry Hicks had come out with a new book called, Money And The Law Of Attraction, and that it was for sale at Costco for less than 9 dollars.
Later that night when I got off work I decided to go and pick up a copy of that book. At this same time I was also reading a book by, John F Demartini called, The Gratitude Effect. 
As I would walk around the health food store I worked at I would repeat, Thank you.  Thank you to the company I worked for since they gave me a consistent job, than you to the shelves, thank you to the product that kept come in for it meant customers were buying things and keeping the cycle going of me to have a job, thank you to the ethers in me and in the universe.  I just repeated thank you all the time.  
Within 30 days I received a $1 dollar raise where the average raise was between .10 cents and .25 cents.  Between reading both books, applying their teachings and repeating thank you, I manifested my $1 dollar raise.
How can you manifest more or something new into your life?  Find someone who has manifested what ever it is you want to be, have or do  and copy what they did to get it.  This is the secret: copy whoever has done something close or exactly what you want to be have or do and you will get exactly it is that you are wanting to manifest.
I want to open a healing center, travel so I can lecture, do private intuitive readings for clients on a regular basis between lecturing and traveling.  How will I do this?  I will follow the steps I took to get my raise as well as doing healing techniques to release any beliefs consciously or subconsciously mentally as well as emotionally.  
I outlined in one of my previous blog postings two healing techniques you can use to clear yourself.  You can go back and read those if you didn't read it or you can go read it again as a refresher on how to clear yourself so you can achieve whatever it is you want to manifest.  
Sending you all my love Justin Southworth

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