Through my life I have come to the belief that in order to be the person we really are, where we have everything we want, we live in the perfect home in the perfect place, doing the perfect career that brings us all the money we desire, living with all the people we love and choose to live with, driving our dream cars and owning all the things we desire, we have to be come a clear vessel to manifest this. Their are several things I have found to help us to become that clear beacon where all is possible. I am going to tell you about two things I do and believe will help make a person clean and clear so you are free of any energetic, emotional, spiritual or mental blocks to having all your dreams manifest in your current life now.
the first one is called ho'opononopo. what is ho'oponopono it is an ancient hawaiian healing technique whereby you repeat four phrases over and over while thinking of what ever may be blocking you, bothering you in anyway or not working out the way you like. here is what you do. repeat the four phrases: 1. I AM SORRY 2. PLEASE FORGIVE ME 3. I LOVE YOU 2. THANK YOU
Do this over and over again and again until you feel you have done it quite a few times. you can do it a few minutes at a time at first. I tend to do it for about 2 to 3 minutes. i like to do it when i am working out or taking my dog for a walk. you can do it almost anywhere you may be. even silently thinking the words: i am sorry , please forgive me, i love you and thank you will start your enrgy shifting out any negative blocks keeping you from being, doing and having all you could ever dream of.
ho'opononopo was brought to the for front by Dr. Hew Len a doctor who ended up managing a psychiatric hospital for the criminally insane in Hawai'i. Before he took over patients were getting worse, the staff were unable to handle it and were themselves becoming ill and quiting. Dr. Hew Len decided to use the four statements, I am sorry, Please forgive me, I love you and Thank you as he looked at each persons file and analyzed their diagnosis. Without ever consulting a patient he was able to heal the entire hospital by using ho'opononopo. The hospital has been closed as all the patients and staff got well. I figure if Dr. Hew Len can heal all the patients in a psych ward by looking in himself and saying what in me is like that person with this condition and then repeat the four phrases that make up ho'opononopo, then surely it can heal me. You can learn more about ho'opononopo by reading the book, Zero Limits by Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len.
This technique is relatively simple and will create dramatic results if you actually do it. It requires no other instruction than thinking of the issue at hand and repeating, I am sorry, Please forgive me, I love you and Thank you. Do it daily or several times a week and watch how things improve around you until you are living the life of your dreams
Next I want to talk about EFT or emotional freedom technique. I often refer to it as tapping. This technique works on the principle that you tap various acupressure points that run along several meridians that connect to various organs and systems throughout the body. By tapping you systematically release any block on a deep subconscious level as well as cellular level that is blocking you to peace, happiness, abundance, release of illness or phobias and more.
What you do is tap these acupressure points each for moments saying a phrase while thinking of the issue, problem or block and saying something like this: Even though I have this ( state what your problem or issue is), i deeply and completely love and accept myself. Then go to the next point and repeat. As you go around you will find that you may have new thoughts as to what is bothering you such as even though this pisses me off i deeply and completely love and accept myself. then as you go on you may come to even though , i don't feel well I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
One thing to note is that when you start out it is a good idea to find, on a level from 1 to 10, where 1 is minimal discomfort or irritation and 10 is extreme discomfort or irritation, zero would be it's gone, and write this down. As you tap several rounds see if you can't get that level to com e down a few points. Take a break and come back later or another day and tap some more if this issue arises again or you think it may be blocking you.
I suggest you look up videos on youtube for EFT by simply typing in EFT in to the search bar. You can tap on anything from why I have cancer to why do i crave alcohol, to why I am so irritated or panicked or just about anything else you may want to get rid of from your life. The list is endless. Keep doing this and watch how you seem to feel better, life improves and all you ever dreamed starts to manifest. Bellow are two diagrams of the acupressure points you tap while saying the phrase, even though i am or have ( state what it is that is the problem, issue or concern), i deeply and completely love and accept myself.

diag. 2

used with the generous permission of
I challenge you to try these two techniques out and see what miracles they create in your own life. you can leave any comments as to any miraculous changes that occur for you.
Feel free to email me at if you would like further guidance or you want to set up a private consultation with me to further enhance your ability to draw your dreams to you more quickly. loves, Justin Southworth